Horns, Horns, Horns

What is an Aerosol Signal Horn?

An aerosol signal horn (sometimes called air horn) is a handheld device that emits a loud, sharp noise when activated. It consists of an aluminum or steel aerosol can filled with a liquefied gas propellant and equipped with a push-button actuator. Pressing the button opens a valve that releases the propellant, producing a loud sound as the gas escapes through the horn’s nozzle.

These devices are commonly used on Boats, sports events and celebrations, serving as a more efficient alternative to traditional train whistles, bullhorns and manual air horns. Aerosol air horns also replaced manual air horns or hand pumped air horns that were used in marine applications. These types of horns typically consist of a bell or horn attached to a flexible air reservoir, like a bulb or a bellows, which the user squeezes to force air through the horn and produce sound. The aerosol horn replaced these manual horns. Aerosol horns offer superior sound projection without the need for special training or pumping and are compact and portable, ideal for use in large venues where a quick, loud signal is necessary.

History of the Aerosol Signal Horn

The air horn dates back to the late 19th century and was initially used for signaling on ships and boats.Early models for marine applications were manual air horns or hand pumped air horns. These types of horns typically consist of a bell or horn attached to a flexible air reservoir, like a bulb or a bellows, which the user squeezes to force air through the horn and produce sound. The aerosol horn replaced these manual horns
Aerosol signal horns now typically use pressurized gas canisters, significantly louder than their predecessors.

Types of Air Horns

Air horns are vital for signaling in emergencies and recreational activities. The most prevalent type is the compressed gas horn, which uses a pressurized gas. Released through a nozzle, the compressed gas creates sound waves. These horns vary in size from small handheld units to large truck-mounted versions, with some featuring multiple nozzles to increase volume and pitch.

How Aerosol Gas Signal Horns Work

Aerosol air horns function by expelling compressed gas from a canister when the nozzle is pressed, emitting a siren-like noise that can be heard up to 1/2 mile away. Recent models may include features like LED strobe lights and remote triggers for added convenience.

Ingredients in an Aerosol Gas Horn

The primary ingredient in an aerosol gas horn is the pressurized gas within the aerosol canister, typically difluoroethane (152a) or trans-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (HFO-1234ZE) When the canister’s nozzle is pressed, the gas is released, travels through a tube, expands in an air chamber to the air horn diaphragm. An air horn diaphragm is a component that helps to produce the loud, distinctive sound of an aerosol gas  horn. This thin, flexible membrane vibrates when air is forced through it, creating the loud noise that is characteristic of gas horns. The gas then exits through the horn piece.

Benefits of Aerosol Gas Horns

Aerosol gas horns provide a reliable audible signal that can alert people to dangers or attract attention during emergencies from a distance. They are also useful for deterring intruders or wildlife from properties, offering a simple way to enhance safety in various settings. Also use in sports activities such as to start swimming races, soccer games, lifeguarding beaches, marine applications especially in fog, construction, hiking to signal help and much much more…

How loud are Aerosol Gas Horns

Aerosol gas horns are safe when used correctly but can produce sounds up to 115 decibels.


Gas horns are an effective tool for gaining attention and signaling during emergencies. They are straightforward to operate, portable, and have applications in marine, sports and safety. However, it’s important to use air horns responsibly, considering their impact on animals and young children and being mindful of the surrounding environment.